Editor's review
Have you been gaining weight in spite of all your efforts, feeling tense, and even losing confidence due to your awful looking physique? In such case most of the people go for appointing professional gym trainers or diet instructors, which is often much expensive. However, your weight might be increasing due to improper food habits which may result in excessive calories intake. But, rather then going for pocket burning methods now you can go for easier solutions such as Weight Loss Tracker 1.5. It’s an effective method of tracking your calories intake as you can keep record of your every diet and get the calculation of extra calories and the pounds you’re gaining because of them. Smoothly usable, the Tracker aids you in recording the food items you take along with calories information to have an exact record.
For beginning to use Weight Loss Tracker 1.5 you’d require logging in, after which you’d be shown the console with current month’s dates, daily foods, and food eaten panel. Using Select Date panel you can click over each date and enter the eaten food’s record, simultaneously. Further, you can even add a list of food items you usually intake in your meals along with the occasionally taken items using Add Daily Foods panel. Press the link given for adding food items, for which you’d be provided with different fields within the columns for food items and calories. Write down the items’ name along with their calorie rates, and after filling in the details simply click Add for adding the entire items in the food database. Now, for each day, you can select a food item for the drop down menu and press Add for adding it to Food Eaten panel. Now, the tracker would analyze the calorie intake and present you with the information about extra calories and pounds you’ve gained or lost.
Weight Loss Tracker 1.5 helps competently in managing daily calorie intake thus maintaining your weight, in an effective manner. Owing its simple interface, easily-negotiable features, and reliable performance, the Tracker is assigned with 3 rating points.
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